Grain Seed Protection

Fumigation and The Reasons Why It Is Very Important For Warehouse

If you have a grain commodity warehouse, it is important to make sure there are no pests that damage the products. Therefore, the best step to do is to protect your warehouse and to make sure the products are still good by starting professional fumigation

Fumigation, what is it? For you who have grains, fruits, or herbs warehouse, whether you are going to sell your goods to local market or export the goods to other country, it is very common to deal with some warehouse pests such as moths, rice ticks, molds, rats, birds, and others.

It is important to handle pests immediately because it will affect productivity in your warehouse. One of the best actions to do is to carry out fumigation.

What is Fumigation?

So, fumigation is a pest control method. Only a professional service could perform it. The method is by using certain chemicals so you could control the growth of the pests in your warehouse, building, container, and others.

Also, to control the pests in the warehouse, you need this method to carry out your products before exporting to avoid any dangerous organisms or pests in your product. This method is also popular as ship fumigation or container fumigation.

Even though this method requires chemicals to perform, but a professional service could conduct it correctly by following the standard procedure. Therefore, it will not damage the commodity. On the other hand, the commodity will be free of pests, such as rice weevil or grain borer or wheat beetle or moths. In this case, it is part of quality control.

Fumigation Process

Once you set your mind to perform the fumigation method and have a pest control expert to help you, including the right fumigation drug, here are the steps to do it:

  • Preparation - First, you must close the place before fumigating. Use thick tarpaulin or fumigation plastic to cover the commodity sack. Make sure that there are no holes or cracks in the plastic. This way will help the fumigant works effectively inside the covered area. The water content for the commodity should not more than 17%. Also, the sack pile must dry, not wet.
  • Use the fumigant by placing between a stack of sacks. Also, place it at the bottom of the pallets by giving a distance of 1 (one) meter per point. Use only 1-2 fumigant tablets Fumiphos per point is ideal for a 1 ton commodity. Place the fumigant in a container to make sure that the phosphine gas will not scatter.
  • Fumigant-post. It means that you need to wait for three days minimum after putting the fumigant tablet in the covered area. Open the tarpaulin or plastic. You will see how the fumigant kills pests inside.
  • Evaluation. This is a cleaning stage to make sure there is no residue of the process. A professional technician in this field will evaluate to check the result of the method.


If you wonder about the length of the time to do this method, it depends on the size and type of your building. Also, it depends on the type of pest to remove. For this reason, it is good to call a professional service to have a consultation first.

If you have a grain commodity warehouse, it is important to make sure there are no pests that damage the products. Therefore, the best step to do is to protect your warehouse and to make sure the products are still good by starting professional fumigation.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about our products.

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