Grain Seed Protection

What is Fumigation, and Why Should Grain Commodity Warehouse Be Fumigated?

Having trouble of grain warehouse pests such as rice moths or bugs or beetle ? Grain fumigation is the answer ! What is grain fumigation, and why should grain commodity warehouses be fumigated ?

For you who have rice warehouse or rice milling owners or even rice retail sellers who have their own warehouses whether large or medium scale, it is certainly common thing to dealing with warehouse pests such as rice ticks, moths, molds to problem of rats or birds.

Pests will make the productivity of rice milling decline, so it is definitely important to immediately handle them well. One of the actions taken to deal with warehouse pests is to carry out fumigation.

What is grain fumigation ?

Fumigation is a professional pest control method by using chemicals to control the growth of pests. The grain fumigation process is carried out to exterminate pests in the grain warehouse or building. Fumigation is also carried out on products to be exported or imported to avoid products carrying potentially dangerous pests or organisms, this is usually called container or ship fumigation.

Even if fumigation is carried out with chemicals, if conducted correctly as standard of procedure, it will not damage the commodity, on the contrary it will make the commodity product free of pests, whether rice moths or insects, and maintain the quality of the grain food commodity.

4 Stages of Fumigation

After you have set your mind to carry out fumigation and have consulted with a pest control expert and have chosen a fumigation drug, fumigation will usually go through the following stages:

  1. Preparation of fumigation,which is closing the place to be fumigated. Pile of commodity sacks is covered with plastic or thick tarpaulin until it is air-tight, make sure no crack or holes in plastic in order to have fumigant react effectively inside the plastic. Make sure the commodity's water content is not more than 17% and also make sure the area of the dry sack pile is not wet.
  2. Fumigation is carried out by placing the fumigant tablet FUMIPHOS®. The fumigant is placed between a stack of sacks and at the bottom of a stack of sacks (pallets) with a distance of about 1 m between points. Per point in the contents of about 1-2 fumigant tablets for 1 ton commodity. The fumigant better be placed in a container so that the ash from the release of gas is not scattered. Fumigant tablets will become phosphine gas within 2-3 days. So the speed of decomposition of the tablet into gas depends on the water content & temperature (relative humidity). Example: the higher the water content & temperature of the fumigated commodity, means the faster the gas release, less than 3 days the tablet will decompose.
    If the room temperature is lower than 15 ° C, the moisture content of the commodity is less than 15%, and the relative humidity is lower than 25%, the release of gas (tablet decomposition) may require a minimum of 5 days or more. This gas will penetrate into the sack which will kill the bugs in the sack.
  3. Fumigation-post, wait 2-3 days after put the fumigant tablet inside the plastic, after that open the plastic or tarpaulin, the fumigant FUMIPHOS® will show its effects by killing pests contained inside.
  4. Evaluation of fumigation, after cleaning the residue of fumigation, the fumigation technician will usually evaluate whether the grain fumigation results have been achieved as expected or not.

The length of time for grain fumigation depends on the type and size of the building to be fumigated, and the type of pest to be exterminated.

Do you have a rice warehouse or other grain commodity warehouse, or a warehouse for animal feed ? Warehouse pests bring threat which can damage the stored products. For this reason, fumigation is a recommended process to protect your warehouse so that your productivity will not decline.

PT Panca Prima Wijaya provides fumigant for phosphine fumigation, the brand is FUMIPHOS®, fumigant in the form of tablets or FUMILIKUID, phosphine fumigant in the form of liquid gas or it is generally called as liquid phosphine.

The ultimate advantages by using fumigant FUMIPHOS® are :

1) The tablet fully decompose --> 100% complete reaction.

2) The production code is written on the can, so the customers are confidence in using this brand. Other brands does not state this important parameter on the can except Phostoxin.

3) Effectively deal with resistant pests ! It has been proven successful in overcoming resistant Rhyzoperta pests due to the special formulation contained in FUMIPHOS®.

4) The results of the official EFFICACY TEST report from Biotrop Bogor is available, and a report from PTPN X state that the quality of Fumiphos is comparable to that of Phostoxin and also a report from the Research and Development Division of BULOG which state that Fumiphos is the most effective fumigant for exterminate pests / moths for crop commodity such as rice / corn / tobacco etc.

5) Also equipped with MSDS (material safety data sheet), COA (certificate of analysis), and officially registered in Ministry of Agriculture Pesticide Commission. 

For further consultation about phosphine fumigant and grain fumigation services, please do not hesitate to contact PT. Panca Prima Wijaya via WhatsApp or telephone at +6285.3132.001.88. We provide the best and guaranteed service ! If PESTS ARE NOT DEAD 100% you will get a FREE handling consultation !